government ethics
About me and this project:
My name is Mariana Perera and I am a graduating political science, communication, and Spanish major at Santa Clara University. This website is was created as part of my Hackworth Fellowship under the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Through this year, I have explored various topics that relate to government ethics, including the impeachment proceeding of Donald Trump, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the 2020 election.
I believe that one of the most important things to do in order to address government ethics is promoting education. Americans tend to lack an understanding of how their government works and are often unaware of the amount of ethical decisions made by politicians and voters. These decisions play a role in how our society and democracy function.
Aside from the issues addressed in this website, I am also passionate about the intersection between disability rights and government. I wrote a piece about the living with a sibling with special needs here.